Saturday, April 25, 2009

What happens when you die

If I am in a room in a meeting and I decide to leave, my participation in the meeting ends even though the meeting goes on without me. But for me, what happens next? Well, I still exist. I have left the meeting but I can still perceive that the meeting happened and may be still going on without me. I just continue with my own perceived reality.

If I spend a few years in college and that time comes to an end then my participation in that time period comes to an end. But for me, what happens next? Well, I'm still there to perceive that that episode happened for me and I continue to live my life into the next time period.

If I die, my existence will end but life will go on without me. But for me, what happens next? Nothing. And that is what I just can't comprehend.

Consider the concept of an afterlife. If you believe in that sort of thing, then you have nothing to worry about because now death is merely a transformation from one plane of existence to another. After you die, your physical body may be lost but you still exist and are there in heaven or hell to perceive that your mortal life happened and your immortal life has just begun.

It's the same with reincarnation, or the idea of dead people becoming ghosts still in existance although physically incapable of interacting with the "living" people. All these seem to me to have been invented to stop dealing with this existenial predicament.

Maybe the uncomfortable truth is that when you die, you no longer exist.

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